Driving an RV is challenging enough as it is, and driving at night adds another layer of difficulty. However, while you should avoid driving your RV at night whenever possible, there are some cases where the circumstances leave you with no choice. That is why the experts at Price Right RV have put together this list of tips to help you be as safe as possible when driving your RV at night.

1. Never Drive While You’re Tired

Some studies have found that driving while tired makes you three times more likely to get into an accident. Tired driving is dangerous enough in a car or truck, but the additional weight of a camper makes the reduction in reaction time that comes with tiredness that much more significant. If you are feeling tired, switch drivers or pull over to rest. Caffeinated drinks and energy supplements are no replacement for proper rest, so know your limits and take a break if you need it.

2. Clean Your Windshield

Your visibility is limited as it is during the night. Make sure that your windshield is clean and double-check your wiper fluid levels before each trip. You may want to carry extra wiper fluid and replacement wiper blades just in case. As for the inside of your windshield, clean it using glass cleaner and paper towels, and use your heating or cooling system to keep it condensation free.

3. Dim Interior Lighting

It is best to minimize distractions when night driving. Turn off any dome or overhead lights and dim any unneeded interior lights. Ask your passengers to refrain from using bright screens if there is a risk that you will be distracted.

4. Watch The Road For Animals

Many animals are more active at night. If you are driving through a wooded or rural area at night, drive a bit slower, especially if you see signs warning you about animal activities. If you do see an animal in your path, press down on the brakes instead of swerving, which can result in you being run off the road or into traffic.

5. Add More Exterior Lighting

If you frequently find yourself driving your RV at night, you may want to upgrade your exterior lighting. LED bar lights on the sides of your RV can be very helpful, though you should make sure they are not a distraction to other drivers. They should also not be used in fog. Brighter headlights will illuminate more of the path ahead, though be sure to properly align them for best results.

For more information or to view our selection of new and pre-owned RVs, visit Price Right RV at our dealerships in Dewitt and Sterling Heights, Michigan. We also offer consignments, trade-ins, financing, parts, and servicing, so visit us for all your RV needs. We are proud to be able to serve the metro Detroit area, as well as communities like Lansing, Michigan. We hope to see you soon!