While an RV is meant to help you bring all the comforts of home on the road with you, some comforts are more difficult to transport than others. Gardeners who also enjoy RV camping may feel torn between taking care of their plants and exploring the road in their campers. Luckily, all it takes is a little ingenuity to get a mobile garden going in your RV. With this guide from Price Right RV, you’ll be growing a garden in your RV in no time.

Before You Begin Mobile Gardening

One complication that may not initially spring to mind when talking about growing a garden in your RV is the fact that many states have restrictions related to plants crossing their borders. For example, visitors crossing into California are required to declare any plants they are transporting. If you are traveling to other countries such as Canada, you will likely have to declare your plants then as well. These laws are typically meant to prevent the spread of plant disease and pests, and you may be required to pay to have your soil inspected for pests when you cross a border. 

What to Grow

Plants typically spend all of their time in the same general area, if not the same exact spot. For this reason, you may not have thought about how a change in climate could affect your plants. However, traveling in your RV may expose your plant to places much hotter, colder, drier, or more humid than what is normal for them. Some plants, especially those that require specific conditions to grow, may not be able to handle it. For this reason, hardy plants that adapt well to changes in their environment like philodendrons, succulents, snake plants, and ZZ plants are your best bet. 

Where to Place Your Plants

RVs tend to have limited space, so it is best to get creative about placing pots and planters. You can do just about anything you want, so long as your plants have their light needs met. You can also choose to move your plants around if necessary. For example, placing your plants outside once you reach your destination will give them excellent access to sunlight. 

Take Advantage of Vertical Space

One way to maximize the space available for your mobile garden is to take advantage of vertical space. For example, you can use a suction cup to hang a planter by a window, where your plants will get plenty of sunlight. If you would prefer to keep your windows unobstructed, adhesive hooks are another popular option, and they allow you to attach planters to the wall or ceiling. 

Make the Mobile Garden Add to the Décor

If you fear that your mobile garden will just add visual clutter to your camper, you can take steps to integrate your plants into the existing decorating scheme. For example, look for pots and planters that match your established theme or paint them to make them fit better. Depending on what type of RV you own, you may choose to put plants on your dashboard or in the cab over area. 

For more on establishing a mobile garden in your RV or to view our selection of new and pre-owned RV models, visit Price Right RV. Our dealerships in Dewitt, Michigan, and Sterling Heights, Michigan also offer parts, financing, and maintenance services, so come down no matter your RV needs. We are proud to serve Michigan’s lower peninsula, including communities like Lansing, Michigan, and the Detroit metro area.